Purpose of this work was studying of the incidence in the remote terms after Chernobyl accident. For this purpose, was selected a group of women (n = 100), who live in the Stolinsky district of the Brest region and at the time of the Chernobyl disaster were at different stages of pregnancy and got exposure to the thyroid due to the incorporation of radioactive iodine. Absorbed dose to the thyroid in a wide range of values (from 1 to 150 cGy), which allowed the group to divide the analyzed into the following subgroups: subgroup № 1 (woman with adsorbed doses of 1 to 30 cGy), the subgroup № 2 (31–100 cGy), the subgroup № 3 (>100 cGy). In the same way were divided into 3 subgroups according to the trimester of pregnancy at the time of irradiation. It is found that thyroid disease occurred in 2,1 times more frequently in the subgroup № 2 (31–100 cGy) compared with the subgroup № 1 (1–30 cGy), and malignant neoplasms is 5 times more frequently in comparison with the subgroup № 1. A marked rise of incidence of thyroid disorders among women exposed in the I trimester of pregnancy compared to women exposed to radioactive iodine in the II and III trimester (1,9 and 2,2 times, respectively). Malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland have been identified only among pregnant women, which got exposure in the I trimester. We can assume that the tension mechanisms aimed at increased production of thyroid hormones in women I trimester combined with incorporation of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland in the mother’s initial stages of pregnancy may contribute to further high risk of malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland.
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