Purpose of this work was studying of pathology of a thyroid gland in the remote terms after prenatal exposure. For this purpose, was selected cohort of persons (202 persons) who live in the Stolinsky district of the Brest region, which in April-May 1986, were prenatal exposed due to the incorporation of the their mother’s radioactive iodine (I-131). Doses for thyroid gland were in range from 1 to 150 cGy. About 80% of the victims were exposed to 1–25 weeks of gestation. The control group (childrens have been born in 1987–1988) wasn’t affected by I-131. In all studied subgroups we didn’t register of oncological thyroid pathology for a period after chernobyl accident. Among the male population was found to increase the dose dependence of the frequency of nontoxic diffuse goiter, which met in victims several times more frequently than in the control group. This pathology was detected at an earlier age, than in those of the control group. The most frequent non-toxic diffuse goiter met in the female group who were exposed during the third trimester of pregnancy. We conclusion, that prenatal exposure may be associated with impaired processes of utilisation of iodine, growth of thyroid parenchyma and susceptibility to diffuse goiter.
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