The study was conducted on 25 patients with complicated chronic pancreatitis of which 16 patients underwent surgery. Morphologically in 18.75 % of those cases fibrous transformation was not present, the I degree of fibrosis was found in 12.5 % cases, II degree – in 18.75 % cases, III degree – in 12.5 % of cases and IV degree – in 37.5 % of cases. Output of morphological research was compared with the results of Real-Time Sonoelastography – RTSE (SE) of pancreas with determination of «rigidity» coefficient – elastic strain ratio (ESR). The revealed direct correlation between the maximum SE value of ESR in pancreas body and the degree of pancreatic fibrosis (r = 0,763, р = 0,0006), or the area of fibrotic tissue (r = 0,718, р = 0,0003) and inverse correlation with an area of the exocrine tissue (r = html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-8722-end0,845, р = 0,01) give evidence of a certain comparability for two aforementioned methods.
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