The study involved 237 patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) (63% men, 57% with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1) in Gomel and Minsk. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the gene IL28B 39743165T>G (rs8099917) and SNP 39738787C> T (rs12979860) were determined by polymerase chain reaction. «Favorable» SNP allelic variants of IL28B gene in patients with CHC were less common vs. European population. In patients with HCV genotype 1, mutant alleles in both SNPs were more common vs. those with other genotypes. Both SNPs are good predictors of antiviral treatment effectiveness in patients with genotype 1 HCV. In those with genotype 1 HCV the SNPs effectively predict response to therapy for both IFN + RBV schemes and schemes for PEG-IFN + RBV.
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