The purpose of our work is to define whether donor and recipient age, time of general warm and cold ischemia, hepatic steatosis, MELD-status of a recipient impact on early allograft dysfunction in the postoperative period. In our retrospective investigation 249 recipients were included subjected to orthotopic liver transplantation from 2008 to April 2014 in Republican Scientific and Practical Centre «Tissue and Organ Transplantation» on the basis of Minsk State Clinical Hospital № 9. The recipients were divided into two groups. The first (main) group included 69 recipients with early allograft dysfunction in the postoperative period. The second group (control) consisted of 180 recipients without early allograft dysfunction. It was established that percent of hepatic steatosis of donor graft as well as time of warm ischemia and their composite impact to be the predictors of early allograft dysfunction in the postoperative period.
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