Список литературы
Хронический вирусный гепатит В имеет широкое распространение как в мире, так и в Республике Беларусь. К сожалению, течение заболевания можно спрогнозировать, т. к. в исходезаболевания часто развивается цирроз печени, с возможностью появления гепатоцеллюлярной карциномы.
Ключевые слова:
вирусный гепатит В, вакцинация, мутации HBV, противовирусная терапия
The practical application of some theoretical aspects. HBV-infection
Chronic viral hepatitis B is widespread both in the world and in the Republic of Belarus. Unfortunately, the disease can be predicted as in the outcome of the disease often develops cirrhosis of the liver, with the possibility of occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently, many different HBV genome research, as well as several of the mutations, in connection with the impact on the quality of vaccination against HBV, the effectiveness of antiviral therapy, because identification of resistance to antiviral drugs to adjust therapy of HBV-infection before her initiation.
viral hepatitis B, mutations of HBV, vaccination, antiviral therapy
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