Список литературы
Произведена сравнительная оценка социальных факторов у восьмидесяти четырех девочек-подростков в возрасте четырнадцати – восемнадцати лет из Республики Беларусь, имеющих проблемы алкогольного аддиктивного поведения и девочек-подростков без алкогольных проблем.
Ключевые слова:
алкоголь, девочки-подростки, социальные факторы
Analysis of the social factors associated with alcohol addictive behavior among adolescent girls from Belarus
The study provides the comparative assessment of social factors in 84 adolescent girls from Belarus aged 14–18 years with alcohol addictive behavior and without alcohol-related problems. The most important social factors typical for teenage girls with alcohol addictive behavior are established. The basic social patterns associated with alcohol addictive behavior and the relevant social predictive risk model for this contingent are defined. The data obtained can be useful for the development of effective preventive measures.
alcohol, teenage girls, social factors
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