In this article we analyze the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of patients with fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) due to Amanita poisoning. It is shown that emergency liver transplantation (LT) for FHF induced by Amanita phalloides ingestion - a highly effective method of treatment that saves the patienthtml5-dom-document-internal-entity2-180-ends life. Prompt referral to a transplant center (at least earlier then coma will develop) is essential to the provision of adequate medical care because it allows to trace the development of the FHF in the dynamics and identify indications for LT. Existing methods of conservative treatment of liver failure, including extracorporeal detoxification methods (e.g., MARS, Prometheus), can be used as a “bridge” to liver transplantation. Decision should be based on a comprehensive assessment of both metabolic and synthetic function of the liver (INR level, Factor V, urea, lactate), and on the patienthtml5-dom-document-internal-entity2-180-ends degree of encephalopathy.
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