The analysis of the results of the study of the bioelectric activity of muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm in patients with incisional hernias. Long-term (over 12 months), the existence of the defect incisional hernia with dimensions of 10 cm leads to an asymmetric reduction of the amplitude of the bioelectric activity of m. rectus abdominis and the M-response diaphragm in comparison with indicators of norms. According to the results pacing electromyography of n. phrenicus defined reduced contractility of the diaphragm in the form of reducing the amplitude and increasing the duration of the M-response that correlate with disturbances in the state m. rectus abdominis. First revealed features diaphragm dysfunction in patients with incisional hernia can testify as an imbalance in the “abs-diaphragm” and the impact of possible pathology in a nerve impulse in the peripheral part of the motoneuron.
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