It was examined 100 children with pyelonephritis (study group) and 40 healthy children (control group) in age from 3 to 18 years old for determination of the role of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension in pathogenesis of endothelium dysfunctions with pyelonephritis. 80 children with pyelonephritis and endothelium dysfunction and 20 with pyelonephritis and without endothelium dysfunction were included in study group. It was revealed that patients who have endothelium dysfunction the frequency of dyslipidemia is significant higher compared with patients of control group (p<0,001). It was proved that homocysteine blood concentration in children with endothelium dysfunction is higher than in children without endothelium dysfunction and children of control group (p<0,001). Summary load of risk factors in patients with pyelonephritis and endothelium dysfunction on 66,7% higher compared with patients with pyelonephritis and without endothelium dysfunction and on 33% higher compared with patients of control group. Research results allow to determined ways of prophylactic and pathogenetic correction of endothelium dysfunction in study pathology.
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