The morphological changes of various wall layers of rectum and pararectal tissues after injection of cultures of autological mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue are estimated in experiment on laboratory animals. Changes in submucosa, where stem-cells injection contributes to formation of «islets» of myocites and muscular type of cells and hyperplasia of muscular plate of submucosa and sum total muscular layer of a rectum, were the greatest scientific interest. Hypothetical mechanisms of myogenic transformation in rectal layers can be myogenic transdifferentiation of mesenchymal stem-cells, grown up «in vitro» and injected from the outside, and paracrine stimulation of myogenic proliferation and hyperplasia by «exogenic» cells. It is noticed, that revealed morphological features of tissue reaction demand the further scientific studying and substantiation of practical using in complex therapy of anorectal pathology.
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