Rhinosinusitis is defined as an inflammation of the mucosal lining of the nasal passage and paranasal sinuses. It is usually due to swelling of the mucous membrane, resulting in congestion and blockage, and due to disturbance of passing air in paranasal sinuses. The inflammation of paranasal sinuses is one of the most frequent diseases of ENT organs. During the past decade the incidence of rhinosinusitis increases almost three times. According to epidemiological researches 15% of adults and 5% of children suffer from inflammatory diseases of paranasal sinuses. Frequency of chronic inflammatory disease of paranasal sinuses is still high and till present has no tendency to decrease. Moreover, recently incidence increases annually on 1,5-2,0 %. The article represents the data about of etiologic, immunologic, pathogenetic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of the problem. In addition, some features of chronic rhinosinusitis in HIV-positive persons are described.
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