Decrease of fatality from fulminant form of meningococcemia (from 95 % up to 37,9 %) last years managed to achieve an infection for the account of earlier diagnostics at an out-patient stage, changes of tactics of treatment of patients with the given pathology (aggressive infusion therapy, active respiratory support, application cardiotonic and vasopressor drugs, the glucocorticoids, adequate antibacterial treatment, dialysis). Prognostic adverse attributes of fulminant form of meningococcemia appeared a male of the patient, age less than 2 years, leukopenia or normocytosis, the normal or reduced quantity of neutrophils, a thrombocytopenia less 100*109/l, reduction of a fibrinogen A level less than 2,5 g/l, decrease of protrombin index less than 0,6; thymomegalia.
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