The actual way in the development of substances for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is the formulation of antithrombotic medicines on the basis of bioactive compounds extracting from plant. These substances have to be possessed of high efficiency and manifested the least side effect. The objective of this research to investigate the antiaggregatory and anticoagulant activity of the extract Taraxacum mongolicum leaves. It was shown, that the extract of Taraxacum mongolicum leaves contains the albumin with the molecular weight 1,4 kDa. This fraction was demonstrated the inhibitory activity in vitro. There were the prolongation and decreasing of a rate of the ADF-induced aggregation after treating per os of the rats SHR by the investigated substance in dosage range 0,1–0,6 mg/kg during 30 days. The plasma APTT and blood level of fibrinogen was decreased. The antiaggregatory and anticoagulant activity of the extract Taraxacum mongolicum leaves is similar to the effectivity of the acetylsalicylic acid (13 mg/kg). The investigated substance was not possessed ulcerogenic action to a stomach mucous of the rats.
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