The article deals with the results of ultrasound screening of 3296 newborns, during which I type according to Graf diagnosed among 61% newborns, I type among 32% (II-a type 28% and II-c, d type 4%), III type у 6%, IV type 1%. Analysis of the history of the disease was conducted among 71 patients aged 1 to 2,5 years who were admitted to the clinic before the start of walking. Ultrasound method is considerably sensitive and informative for applying it in maternities for screening purposes. According to Graf approach to the III rd and IV th type should correspond to the approach of subluxation and dislocation of the hip, and to the IInd type like to congenital hip joint dysplasia. In ideal situation despite different screening programmes all children aged 6 months should undergo examination by a pediatric orthopedist.
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