At present, it remains relevant to study organizational approaches to the formation of the structure of a program set of measures to improve the quality of medical care in a military health organization, which would identify areas of activity that would allow combining the necessary set of elements for managing the quality of medical care to achieve a certain goal in the interests of improving the quality of medical care. The program package of measures to improve the quality of medical care (Program), which is approved by the head of the military health organization, should contain several sections. The section «General Provisions» includes a justification for the need to develop the Program, its brief description, a list of documents, regulatory legal acts on the basis of which the development of the Program was carried out, the timing of its implementation, the procedure and conditions for making changes. The section «Assessment of the quality of medical care for patients» should be disclosed. The section «Assessment of the quality of medical care for patients» should disclose the results of the organization's work and reveal problematic issues of the quality of medical care, which are specified in the section «Goals, objectives and key indicators.» The most important Program information is contained in the Health Care Quality Plan section, which details all activities that provide an organizational function to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Program. The Program is completed by the section «Implementation of the Program and monitoring of its implementation,» which regulates the system of work of officials of the military health organization to ensure the control function in managing the quality of medical care.
1. Об утверждении Инструкции о порядке оценки качества медицинской помощи и медицинских
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Вопр. орг. и информатизации здравоохранения. –
2022. – № 4. – С. 22–30.
3. Клименков, Д. Ю. Система управления качеством медицинской помощи в Вооруженных Силах
Республики Беларусь / Д. Ю. Клименков // Вопр. орг.
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№ 2. – С. 23–31.