The article analyses the effectiveness of cancer screening and early detection within the framework of the State Programme «People's Health and Demographic Security» for 2021–2025, with a special emphasis on comparing the results of Gomel region with the rest of the country. The programme aims to reduce morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms, which is an important component of the national sustainable development strategy. The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of cancer screening and early detection measures in Gomel region and compare them with similar indicators in other regions of the Republic of Belarus. The work used methods of statistical analysis of data on morbidity and mortality from various types of cancer based on official medical statistics for the period from 2012 to 2023. Special attention was paid to the indicators of one-year mortality and detection rates of breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer. The results of the study showed that Gomel region demonstrates high rates of early cancer detection compared to other regions of Belarus. However, there are significant variations in one-year mortality rates, which requires further analysis and adaptation of screening and early detection strategies. Medical, financial, organisational and legal risks have also been identified as significant factors affecting the success of the programme. The study confirms the need to continue to develop and improve cancer screening and early detection systems, taking into account regional specificities. It is recommended to ensure sufficient funding and implementation of advanced technologies, as well as to increase the level of education and awareness of medical professionals and the population. These measures will help to minimise organisational and legal barriers, which will ultimately lead to improved health indicators of the population of the Republic of Belarus.
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