Anemia is one of the most common pathological conditions in children. According to WHO, about 43 % of children in the world are anemic. The most common disease in children is iron deficiency anemia (IDA). In second place is “anemia of chronic diseases” – ACD. Due to the different approaches to the correction of these anemias, the differential diagnosis of IDA from ACD is relevant. According to foreign researchers, reticulocyte indices, in particular the hemoglobin content in reticulocytes, “better” in the differential diagnosis of anemia compared to the generally accepted erythrocyte indices and biochemical tests. The goal is to assess the diagnostic significance of reticulocyte hemoglobin in the differential diagnosis of anemia of various origins in children, and the relationship of this indicator with generally accepted diagnostic tests. Material and methods. We examined 118 children aged from 6 months to 18 years who were undergoing treatment and examination for various diseases, of which 53 had IDA, 32 had ACD; 33 – comparison group. The diagnostic significance of the generally accepted hemogram indicators, “issued” by an automatic blood analyzer, was compared, as well as a number of biochemical indicators – serum ferritin (SF), serum iron (SI), transferrin, latent iron binding capacity of serum (LIC), C-reactive protein (CRP), and hemoglobin content in reticulocytes – Ret-He. As a result of the study, it was possible to establish: 1) hemoglobin content in reticulocytes is a highly sensitive method for detecting iron deficiency (ID), along with the well-known erythrocyte (MCV, MCH, CP, etc.) and biochemical tests (LVSS, SG, transferrin, etc.), except for SF, which shows “false positive” results in the presence of inflammation; 2) the Ret-He study, in combination with standard erythrocytic and biochemical tests, allows not only to differentiate IDA from ACD, but also to identify a group of patients who are contraindicated for ferrotherapy, since their ID is relative, not absolute; 3) in some patients with ACD, a comprehensive examination revealed a combined effect on erythopoiesis and ID, inflammation, and nutritional disorders. Thus, the high diagnostic significance of the determination of reticulocyte hemoglobin and the advisability of including the Ret-He determination for the diagnosis of IDA and differential diagnosis with ACD are confirmed.
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