The tympanic orifice (Foramen tympanicum or Huschke orifice) is an opening preserved during temporal bone development in the front-lower bony portion of the external auditory canal. Its occurrence in the population ranges from 0.4 % to 20 %. Persistence of the tympanic orifice in children up to 5 years age can be considered a variation of the norm. The tympanic orifice may not manifest for a long time and manifests in adult in the form of herniation of the temporomandibular joint capsule or fistula in the bony part of the external auditory canal and cases of saliva discharge into the external auditory canal have been described which can be interpreted mistakenly by otorhinolaryngologists as external otitis media. The article describes a rare case for otorhinolaryngologists, when «under the masks» of parapharyngitis and otitis the child had abscessed lymphadenitis in the submandibular region on the right side which drained into the external auditory canal through the tympanic orifice. The final diagnosis was established by CT with contrast.
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