A high level of morbidity of the population requires the adoption of informed management decisions and the implementation of effective preventive measures aimed at early detection of functional disorders of the body and preventing the development of chronic pathology. In this regard, it is very relevant to analyze the current state and identify trends in the formation of health of the younger generation. In order to assess the health status of children, a retrospective analysis of data from state statistical reporting of the Republic of Belarus and a polyclinic health care institution in one of the administrative districts of Minsk was carried out. It was established that the primary incidence of children 0–17 years old over the course of 5 years of observation has a high level and a moderate upward trend in the near future. According to the results of preventive examinations, he most common health abnormalities in children are decreased visual acuity, scoliosis and impaired posture, for which an increase in prevalence is predicted in the coming years. At the same time, the number of functional disorders and the degree of loss of health increase as children grow up, transition to training in institutions of general secondary education and with the accumulation of school «experience».
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