Purulent-inflammatory (including abscessing) diseases of the oropharynx are among the most common pathologies in otorhinolaryngology. More common in young people. Paratonsillitis and paratonsillar abscesses in the vast majority of cases occur against the background of general and endogenous intoxication, which creates an additional burden on the body and increases the risk of metatonsillar diseases of the internal organs. The simplest and most accessible method for detecting and assessing the degree of endogenous intoxication is the calculation of hematological leukocyte indices of intoxication, carried out using the leukocyte formula of a general blood test. 137 patients were examined, including 104 cases of paratonsillar abscess (75.9 %) and 33 cases of paratonsillitis (24.1 %). Age of patients 19–52 years old, males predominated (78 patients). It has been established that the degree of endogenous intoxication does not depend on the nature of the pathological process (non-purulent or purulent) in the paratonsillar tissue, the differences are not significant. Most often, endogenous intoxication of moderate severity was detected: with paratonsillitis – 57.7 % of cases, with paratonsillar abscess – 60.7 % of cases. There was no strong correlation between the LIIO value and the number of leukocytes in the general blood test.
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