The results of the study of persons with syncope are presented. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency and cause of syncope in young people. Study of the relationship between syncope and diagnosed changes in laboratory, instrumental research methods and testing of psychoemotional status. In the course of the work, the method of social anonymous survey on the basis of Google Forms of medical university students was applied, the case histories of patients of the neurological department were analyzed. The reasons for syncope in the surveyed respondents in the study group were various mechanisms: neurogenic, reflex and orthostatic hypotension. According to the data of an indepth examination of patients of the neurological department, the relationship between syncope and diagnosed nonspecific abnormalities in the results of laboratory and instrumental research methods was shown. An interdisciplinary approach has allowed us to expand our understanding of the mechanisms of syncope development and to prevent recurrent syncope.
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