The peculiarities of the behavior of children and adolescents are the result of the influence on the body not only of hereditary predisposition and actual state of health, in particular mental, but also as a result of the influence of microsocial risk factors (family, inschool). The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the deviating behavior of children and adolescents of two groups raised in residential institutions and raised in families. A larger number of children with ADHD were identified among pupils of residential institutions, including those with a pronounced degree of severity of this pathology, with a higher tendency to implement aggressive and addictive behavior in comparison with children raised in families (37,2 ± 7,4 % and 11,1 ± 4,7 %, respectively; P < 0,05). In each group, children with a tendency to selfinjurious and selfdestructive behavior, a commitment to commit offenses and control behavioral manifestations of emotional reactions are found with equal frequency.
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