Cysts of maxillary sinuses in both children and adults haven’t specific clinical manifestations and are often findings on CT or MRI and have an odontogenic or nonodontogenic origin.Systematized data of the prevalence and flow characteristics of this pathology in children are insufficient.Objectives: clinical and epidemiological analysis of cystic maxillary sinusitis in children. Material and methods: data of 42 patients of the children’s ENTdepartment who were operated for nonodontogenic cysts of maxillary sinuses.Results. Age of group patients in which the studied pathology was diagnosed most frequently was 10–17 years old. Correlation of the cysts of maxillary sinus with pathology of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx were analyzed: septal deviation (68 %), rhinitis (42 %), adenoids (10 %), anthroanal polyp (25 %) was noted. Pathomorphological examination of the material obtained at endoscopic removal of cysts presence of inflammatory in 78 % of biopsy.Conclusion. In most cases a patient with a cyst of maxillary sinus is subject to dynamic observation by an otorhinolaryngologist and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity is an essential element for timely detection of pathology of the ostiomeatal complex or choanal polyp accompanying the cyst development.
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