The article presents the results of the analysis of the incidence of temporary disability (hereinafter – TD) of year-round workers employed in the production of anticancer drugs. Оbjectives: to study the dynamics and structure of morbidity with temporary disability of workers employed in the production of antitumor drugs. Materials and methods. For the study of the incidence with TD for the period from 2015 to 2019, two groups of workers were formed (exposed – 486 year-round person-years and unexposed – 1458 year-round person-years). The material for the study was the data of 3497 sheets of temporary disability for the period under study. Conclusion: According to the results of the analysis of indicators of morbidity with temporary disability in the exposed group in dynamics for the studied period, a tendency to an increase in the number of sick people was found. The level of morbidity among the workers of the exposed group was assessed as below average. It has been established that the leading place in the structure of morbidity with temporary disability of workers is occupied by diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, trauma and poisoning. Statistically significant differences in morbidity rates among workers of the compared groups by gender were revealed, and age groups with maximum and minimum values of temporary disability indicators were established.
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- Поступила 21.01.2022 г.