The article presents the results of a study on the assessment of the incidence of clinically significant muscle damage in the structure of limb injuries. A retrospective analysis of medical records of inpatients with traumatic lesions of the muscles of the limb in the period from 2017 to 2019 was carried out. Taking into account the inclusion criteria, 245 patients with limb muscle injuries of varying severity were selected for the study. High-energy damage was detected in 111 cases (45.3 %), low-energy damage was detected in 134 cases (54.7 %). The degree of damage to muscle tissue was assessed. Muscle damage within one muscle sheath was considered minimal, and damage within two muscle sheaths was moderate. Severe muscle damage was characterized by the destruction of striated muscles in more than two fascial sheaths. Minimal damage was classified as clinically insignificant, moderate and severe to clinically significant muscle damage. Clinically significant muscle damage occurred in 62.9 % of cases. The analysis took into account the average duration of treatment, the need for fasciotomy, complications and death. The presence of clinically significant muscle damage did not affect the increase in mortality rates, but led to a significant increase in the number of complications, additional surgical interventions, and an increase in the duration of patient treatment.
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- Поступила 03.02.2022 г.