Список литературы
Проведен анализ результатов бактериологического исследования проб крови пациентов в возрасте от 1 месяца до 18 лет. Ретроспективный анализ проведен по результатам вирусо-бактериологической лаборатории УЗ «Городская детская инфекционная клиническая больница» г. Минска за период с 2009 по 2020 гг. Установлено, что в спектре возбудителей бактериемии у пациентов преобладают грамположительные бактерии (59,4 %), среди которых доминируют коагулазонегативные типы стафилококков, что соответствует многочисленным современным исследованиям из других стран, согласно которым самыми распространенными возбудителями бактериемий являются коагулазонегативные стафилококки.
Ключевые слова:
бактериемия, структура, бактерии, дети
Spectrum of pathogens of bacteremia in children
The analysis of the results of bacteriological examination of blood samples of patients aged from 1 month to 18 years was carried out. A retrospective analysis was carried out based on the results of the virus-bacteriological laboratory of the City Children's Infectious Clinical Hospital of Minsk for the period from 2009 to 2020. It was found that gram-positive bacteria predominate in the spectrum of bacteremia pathogens in patients (59.4 %), among which coagulase-negative types of staphylococci dominate, which corresponds to numerous modern studies from other countries, according to which the most common pathogens of bacteremia are coagulase-negative staphylococci.
bacteremia, structure, bacteria, children
- 1. Этиология бактериемий и фунгемий у онкологических больных / Н. П. Стижак, Е. И. Кайтанджан, Е. Е. Щетинкина // Проблемы медицинской микологии. – 2014. – Т. 16, № 2. –С. 133–134.
- 2. Beyond blood culture and Gram stain analysis: A review of molecular techniques for the early detection of bacteriemia in surgical patients / M. Scerbo [et al.] // Surgical infections. – 2016. – Vol. 17. – P. 294–302.
- 3. Epidemiology and microbiology of Gram-positive bloodstream infections in a tertiary-care hospital in Beijing, China: a 6-year retrospective study / Zhu [et al.] // Antimicrobial resistance and infection control. – 2018. – Vol. 7. – P. 107–116.
- 4. Goto, M. Over all burden of bloodstream infection and nosocomial bloodstream infection in north American and Europe / M. Goto, M. N. AI-Hasan // Clin. Microbiol. Infect. – 2013. – Vol. 19(6). –P. 501–507.
- 5. Greenhow, T. L. Bacteremia in children 3 to 36 months old after introduction of conjugated pneumococcal vaccines / T. L. Greenhow, Y. Y. Hung, A. Herz // Pediatrics. – 2017. – Vol. 139. – P. e20162098.
- 6. Prevalence of occult bacteremia in infants with very high fever without a source / I. Gangoiti [et al.] // Pediatric Infect Dis J. – 2018. – Vol. 37. – P. e271–e273.
- 7. Waters, D., Jawad I., Ahmad A. et al. Aetiology of community-acquired neonatal sepsis in low and middle income countries //J. Glob. Health. – 2011. – № 1. – Р. 154–170.
- References
- 1. Stizhak, N. P., Kajtandzhan E. I., Shhetinkina E. E. Jetiologija bakteriemij i fungemij u onkologicheskih bolnyh [Etiology of bacteremia and fungemia in cancer patients] // Problemy medicinskoj mikologii [Problems of medical mycology]. – 2014. – Vol. 16(2). – Р. 133–134 (Russian).
- 2. Scerbo, M. H., Kaplan H. B., Dua A. et al. Beyond blood culture and Gram stain analysis: A review of molecular techniques for the early detection of bacteremia in surgical patients // Surgical infections. – 2016. – Vol. 17. – Р. 294–302.
- 3. Zhu, Q., Yue Y., Zhu L. et al. Epidemiology and microbiology of Gram-positive bloodstream infections in a tertiary-care hospital in Beijing, China: a 6-year retrospective study // Antimicrobial resistance and infection control. – 2018. – Vol. 7(107).
- 4. Goto, M., AI-Hasan M. N. Over all burden of bloodstream infection and nosocomial bloodstream infection in north American and Europe // Clin. Microbiol Infect. – 2013. – Vol. 19(6). – Р. 501–7.
- 5. Greenhow, T. L., Hung Y. Y., Herz A. Bacteremia in children 3 to 36 months old after introduction of conjugated pneumococcal vaccines // Pediatrics. – 2017. – Vol. 139. – Р. e20162098.
- 6. Gangoiti, I., Rodriguez E., Zubizarreta A. et al. Prevalence of occult bacteremia in infants with very high fever without a source // Pediatr Infect Dis J. – 2018. – Vol. 37. – Р. e271–e273.
- 7. Waters, D., Jawad I., Ahmad A. et al. Aetiology of communityacquired neonatal sepsis in low and middle income countries //J. Glob. Health. – 2011. – № 1. – Р. 154–170.
- Поступила 12.01.2022 г.