A comprehensive examination and treatment of 77 patients with uterine subinvolution after childbirth was carried out, 29 of which received electromagnetic stimulation from the CETA device (a course of 5 daily procedures), 28 patients of the comparison group received standard uterotonic therapy (intramuscular injection of 5 IU of oxytocin 2 times a day in within 5 days). The results of the clinical efficacy of the compared methods of treatment were evaluated for the first time according to the data of uterine tonusometry during hysterography using the SMART F 9 device. As a result of the studies, it was found that under the influence of CETA in a stimulating mode, aimed at increasing the contractile ability of the myometrium, in puerperas there is a significant decrease in the size of the uterine cavity, an increase in the tone of the myometrium according to tonusometry and an increase in the tone of the uterine arteries. It has been established that under the influence of electromagnetic stimulation, the frequency of complicated course of the postpartum period with the development of hypotonic postpartum endometritis decreases in comparison with the group of patients who received uterotonics. The favorable effect of magnetic stimulation on the tone of the uterine arteries was evidenced by a significantly more significant increase in the Doppler parameters of the uterine arteries, reflecting an increase in peripheral resistance and a decrease in the risk of bleeding, compared with patients who received only drug therapy.
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- Поступила 04.02.2022 г.