Modern medicine faces the problem of the steady growth of alcoholic pathology. And as you know, morbidity and mortality with regular consumption of alcoholic beverages is associated with the toxic effects of ethanol on the most important human organs and, first of all, the liver. To date, a sufficient number of facts have accumulated indicating the importance of liver arginase in vital processes in health and disease. The aim of the study was to elucidate the significance of liver arginase in the detoxification processes and the development of oxidative stress in rats with chronic ethanol intoxication of different severity. In experiments on rats using modern physiological, biochemical research methods and a pharmacological approach, it was found that liver arginase participate in changes in liver detoxification function and the development of oxidative stress induced by chronic ethanol intoxication. The direction and severity of changes in arginase activity and liver detoxification function during chronic alcoholism depends on the severity of chronic alcohol intoxication. Under the influence of daily intragastric administration for 60 days, a 30 % aqueous solution of ethanol (3.5 g 92 % ethanol per kg of body weight) in animals under conditions of development of oxidative stress inhibited the activity of arginase and detoxification function of the liver, and the introduction of 10 % aqueous solution of ethanol (1.0 g 92 % ethanol per kg of body weight) for 2 months leads to an increase in the activity of liver arginase and detoxification processes. The action in the body of the arginase inhibitor N html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-969-end -hydroxynor-L-arginine contributes to the development of characteristic changes in the processes of detoxification and lipid peroxidation in the liver during chronic alcohol intoxication caused by intragastric the introduction of ethanol at a dose of 3.5 g/kg for 60 days.
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- Поступила 18.01.2022 г.