Dementia of vascular genesis most often is a consequence of atherosclerosis which can affect separately only brain vessels. At the same time vascular dementia can develop within system atherosclerosis when the patient has clinical displays of the coronary heart disease (CHD), in some cases with signs of the progressing cardiovascular insufficiency. The morphological research of a brain in three groups of vascular dementia is conducted: 1) the isolated atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain, 2) with clinical picture IBS without signs of cardiovascular insufficiency, 3). IBS with cardiovascular insufficiency. It is established that atrophic process is most expressed in observations with consequences of violations of brain blood circulation and in group of observations with the heavy course of coronary heart disease. It is established that atrophic process is most expressed in observations with consequences of violations of brain blood circulation and in group of observations with the heavy course of coronary heart disease.
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