The article presents data of differential diagnosis of pathological conditions of the nasal cavity in women during gestation. Determination of the etiology of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is an actual problem because the difficulty of nasal breathing occurs in various processes, both infectious and non-infectious. Especially important is the diagnosis of these pathological conditions in patients during pregnancy, when the embryo and fetus are being formed and developed, and the doctor is limited both in the choice of diagnostic methods and in the choice of medicines. The different etiology and pathogenesis of rhinitis requires different approaches in the management and treatment of pregnant women. The choice of tactics for treating rhinitis in pregnant women depends on the type and stage of rhinitis and must meet the safety requirements for the use of drugs for the mother and fetus. The article offers the main differential diagnostic signs of vasomotor and acute infectious rhinitis. The outpatient treatment regimens for these processes in women in the first trimester of pregnancy do not require large expenditures, but they improve the quality of care provided to pregnant women: they facilitate nasal breathing and sanitize the undesirable center of infection during pregnancy. We had no complicated of rhinitis and complications from pregnancy.
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