Alcohol pathology is one of the most importent problems of modern medicine. It’s known that the high morbidity and mortality rate caused by regular use of alcoholic beverages is associated with toxic effects of ethanol on the most important human organs, primarily liver, whoes arginase and Kupffer cells activity play important role in detoxication processes, vital activity in norm and pathology. The aim of investigation was determination the liver arginase activity and Kupffer cells importance in detoxication processes and thyroid status formation in rats with chronic ethanol intoxication. In experiments on rats it was istablished, that in conditions of liver arginase depression by N html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-969-end -hydroxy-nor-L-arginine, chronic alcoholization is accompanied by a more significant inhibitionof the liver detoxication function, an increase in the content of NO3 – /NO2 – in plasma, decrease in body temperature. Inhibition of the Kupffer cells activity by gadolinium chloride reduces toxic effect of ethanol on the liver, as well as the development of typical changes in the liver arginase activity, detoxification processes and body temperature in rats with chronic ethanol intoxication. Therefore, liver arginase activity and Kupffer cells determined detoxication processes activity and thyroid status formation in conditions of chronic alcoholization, what is important in the pathogenesis of chronic aethanol intoxication.
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