The purpose of our research was to examine the levels of IL-1html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-946-end, IL-6, TNF-html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-945-end and VEGF in patients with different severity of papulo-pustular rosacea. We examined 128 women, which were divided into three groups depending on the severity of disease: group I – with mild rosacea (n = 42), group II –moderate rosacea (n = 49), group III – severe rosacea (n = 37). In patients with papulopustular rosacea revealed changes in a number of examined parameters, the nature of which depends on the severity of the disease. Evaluation of cytokine profile and VEGF level may be informative to determine the severity of this pathology understanding genesis of dermatosis, and when the prescribed therapy.
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