According to the analysis of 52 cards inpatient found that among patients with hydatid echinococcosis predominant variant of the disease (in 94.2% of cases), mainly affecting the liver (90.4%), at least – of the lung tissue (7.7%) and spleen (19%). Alveococcosis diagnosed in 3 cases (5.8%) – in 2 cases of liver damage is established in the first – the lungs. Infestation is registered in more than 2/3 of the administrative territories of the region. The group at greatest risk include people living in rural areas aged 46–65 years, accounting for 44.2% of the victims. Patients with symptomatic echinococcosis antibody detected in serum at a concentration of 1:100 to 1:25 600. Potential reservoir of the pathogen to humans is mainly large domestic dogs and pigs, the destruction of which is 0.4 and 0.02% respectively.
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