Using ecological models we calculated the total annual effective doses on the population as a result of contamination in Ostrovets district of Grodno region with technogenic radionuclides (Cs-137 and Sr-90). At present time a range of doses was 1–3 µSv per year. The annual effective dose in the control area (within 12,9 km from the nuclear power plant) should not exceed 3 html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-956-endSv. Calculation shows that in 10 years the dose will fall by 1.3 times, and in 30 years by 2.5 times. The external exposure is mostly caused by cesium-137 (86% of cesium irradiation is external), internal radiation is in large part caused by strontium-90. Most of the internal dose of Cs-137 is calculated through the expected consumption of meat and meat products. Much of the total Sr-90 dose comes from the contamination of vegetables. The external radiation dose on the construction site of the nuclear power plant is expected to be several tens microsieverts and a third of it will be formed by thorium decay products. The data obtained can be used as a baseline for estimating the impact of the Belarusian nuclear power plant on the environment and population.
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