Studied for genital human papillomavirus infection in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women after childbirth. Determining in the preservation and development of HPV-associated pathology after childbirth: viral load of HPV (html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-8805-end3,5 lg copy/105cel; p <0,05), its genotypes (HPV 16, 33, 35; p <0,05), number of genotypes (>1; p <0,05) during pregnancy; low level of interferon a and html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-947-end in the blood and vaginal secretions during pregnancy and after childbirth. Women which are infected with HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-33, HPV-35 genotypes, have more than one genotype and viral load html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-8805-end3,5 lg copy/105cel during pregnancy should be tested every 6 months after delivery.
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