The efficiency of glycine at the different pathological states are caused by hypoxia and initiated free radical processes, is determined by the direct action of this amino acid to receptors of the cell membranes of different organs and tissues. It was advanced thesis in the literature that receptors are in the myocardial cells. The cytoprotective action are caused by glycine as result of inhibition of calcium ion flow. It was investigated the effect of the glycine solution (90 mg/kg) at the intravenous introduction to Wistar rats after the dophamine-induced (20 mg/kg) acute myocardial ischemia. The administration of glycine is observed to promote the survival of rats (67%), improve the ECG indicies to the baseline values in short terms, reliably improve the left ventricular ejection fraction. Probably the efficiency of glycine is caused its ability of the direct action to the myocardial cells.
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