The primary mechanism of action at EHF therapy on the human organism was investigated. The water, which is from 60% to 70% of mass of the human body, is selected as the model subject of the study. The changes of the water structure in the dependence on the time of the action of EHF–radiation were studied. It is established that the primary mechanism of action at EHF–therapy has synergetic nature and is caused by structural transformations of water, including a formation of a 3D-matrix. The phenomenological model of the primary mechanism of action is proposed. According to this model a basic operative factor is the electrostatic field, generated by large-scale molecular associations of water (3D matrix), which were formed under the action of EHF- radiation. There are given the practical recommendations regarding the more effective use of a method of EHF–therapy in the clinic. Furthermore, taking into account the obtained results there is made conclusion about a possible mechanism of the origin of life on the Earth.
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