In this article, we described the novel until an known quality of three-dimensional protected benzoxatiol and phenylaniline derivatives — 4,6-di-tert-butyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-benzoxatiol-7-ol (S13) and 3,5-di-tertbutyl-2-methoxy-N-phenylaniline (N21) — to induct of the respiratory burst of phagocytes, the important part of the mammalian immune tolerance. The molecular mechanisms of this chemicals is not similar, because they are different modify not only kinetics of the respiratory burst but also sensitization of macrophages to cytokines action. Both of them are interested lake a drugs potent stimulant of immunity and lake diagnostic reagents for clinical investigation of immunodeficiency couple with injury of the phagocyte functions, also in the science for cell immunity mechanisms investigation.
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