The purinergic agonist ATP and the inosine in combination with the acetylsalicylic acid and L-arginine in the wide range of the concentrations and ratios stimulate of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by macrophages and do not show pharmacodynamic interactions. The combination of the inosine with the L-arginine in the combine ratio lake 1/1 in the biological relevant concentrations stimulates of the Nox2-dependent ROS generation and it is the basis of a new immunostimulant drugs. The combinations on the basis inosine, salicylic acid and L-arginine show almighty pharmacodynamic synergism and forceful inhibition of the Nox2-dependent ROS generation by macrophages in a wide range of concentrations and combine ratios (10/1/10/...1/1/10). These combinations useful lake the basis of a new cardioprotective and antiischemic drugs and a new therapeutic strategies of the heart diseases.
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