Numerical abnormalities of human chromosomes (aneuploidies) are the most frequent cause of congenital human pathology. The frequency of chromosome 21 trisomy (Down syndrome) constitutes 1:780 in Belarus. One of the most effective strategies for molecular diagnostics of aneuploidies is based on quantitative PCR analysis. We selected and tested the most informative DNA-markers of chromosomes 13, 18, 21 and X.On the basis of current molecular genetic technologies there has been developed a method of DNA diagnostics of the most frequent aneuploidies using multiplex PCR and automated capillary electrophoresis based on the simultaneous testing of 15 microsatellite markers of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, Y in a single analysis. Results of DNA diagnostics of human chromosomes numerical abnormalities using fluorescent quantitative PCR technology can be obtained in less than 6 hours.
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