Medical journal

Publications on the most current medical topics. Current knowledge, clinical reviews, exchange experience.

Editorial Board

    • S. P. Rubnikovich (M.D., Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science, Rector of Belarusian State Medical University, Chairman of the Editorial Board, Minsk)
    • F. I. Vismont (M.D., Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science, Minsk)
    • A.I. Volotovskij (M.D., Minsk)
    • N.S. Gurina (M.D., Minsk)
    • A. I. Kubarko (M.D., Minsk)
    • N. P. Mit'kovskaja (M.D., Minsk)
    • L. F. Mozhejko (M.D., Minsk)
    • T. V. Mohort (M.D., Minsk)
    • A. V. Prohorov (M.D., Minsk)
    • V. V. Rudenok (M.D., Minsk)
    • O. A. Skugarevskij (M.D., Minsk)
    • I. O. Stoma (M.D., Gomel)
    • A. V. Strockij (M.D., Minsk)
    • A. D. Taganovich (M.D., Minsk)
    • S. I. Tret'jak (M.D., Minsk)
    • V.V. Khrustalev (M.D., Minsk)
    • V. Ja. Hryshhanovich (M.D., Minsk)
    • G. N. Chistenko (M.D., Minsk)
    • S.N. Shnitko (M.D., Minsk)
    • A. T. Shhastnyj (M.D.,Vitebsk)

Editorial Council

  • A.Yu. Baryshnikov (M.D., RAMS, Moscow)
  • I.N. Denisov (M.D. RAMS, Moskow)
  • M.P. Zakharchenko (M.D., St.Petersburg)
  • E.V. Karamov(M.D., Moscow)
  • Yu. B. Lobzin (M.D., RAMS, Moscow)
  • V.V. Malyshev (M.D, St. Petersburg)
  • M.I. Mikhailov (M.D., Corresponding Member.RAMS, Moscow)
  • Noboru Takamura (Professor, Nagasaki, Japan)
  • P.I. Ogarkov (M.D., Moscow)
  • A.A. Rudenko (M.D., Kiev)
  • Tommy Linne (Professor, Sweden)
  • Shunishi Yamashita (Professor, Nagasaki, Japan)
  • N.D. Yushchuk (M.D, RAMS, Moscow)

Rules for the Authors

The «Medical Journal» publishes original clinical research data, devoted to the achievements of modern medicine, dissemination of clinical experience, review articles on the topical issues of medicine and health care as well as other materials. Taking into account the audience of the journal, the submitted papers should be simple and accessible, illustrated with diagrams, figures and photographs. The article is published after the review and approval by the Editorial Board. Editorial staff publishes the materials in Belarusian, Russian and English.

Submission of the previously published or already accepted for publication in other journals articles is not allowed.

The article should be typed in MS WORD and printed on one side of white A4 paper, print type Times New Roman, size 12 double-spaced in triplicate. The width of the left field is 3 cm, top and bottom - 2.5 cm, right - 1 cm. All pages must be numbered.

Articles are accepted with the reference for their publication and the signature of the supervisor.

The volume of the original articles, including figures, tables, index of literature should not exceed 10 pages, scientific reviews and lectures - 20 pages, other articles - 5 pages.

Each article should contain the names and initials of all authors, their academic titles and degrees, the name of the institution and the initials and surname of the supervisor, abstract, key words in English, an introduction, a brief survey, the purpose and objectives of the research, materials and methods, obtained results, discussion, conclusion, reference literature, illustrations (tables, figures).

At the end of the article there should be the signatures of all authors, their full names, home addresses, and phone numbers.

The paper must be accompanied by: an abstract in English (3 copies) reflecting the main content of the article and not exceeding 10 typewritten lines. At the beginning of the abstract the author's name, the title of the article and key words should be indicated.

Bibliographic Index should not contain more than 10 sources. For clinical reviews and lectures it may be of no more than 40 reference sources. In compiling the Index it is necessary to indicate the sequence number, alphabetically by author's last name, his initials, full title of article, title of the book or journal, place and year of publication, volume, page number. In the text the author makes reference to the serial Index number.

Abbreviations are not allowed to be used, except for the chemical and common abbreviations, mathematical values, measures and terms. The author of the article is to use the CI system of units. The references to the manuscripts, including abstracts of theses or dissertations are not allowed.

The tables, graphs and charts, numbers and percentages should be carefully checked by the author and match the numbers in the text, specifying the place and the number. All tables, graphs and diagrams should be titled.

The quantity of graphics should be minimal. The size of photographs, graphics and figures should be of 9 x 12 cm in duplicate with the obligatory indication on the back of each picture of its number, the author's name and marked 'up' and 'down'. In the inscriptions to micrographs it is necessary to indicate magnification (eyepiece lens) and the method of dyeing or impregnating of the material. Figure inscriptions are mandatory to be made on a separate sheet of paper.

In compliance with the above rules, all materials should be presented on SD-disc.

The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit articles; they request to return the corrected and re-typed manuscripts within 2 weeks. Exceeding these terms will slow down the publication of the article.

Editorial address: Minsk, 6 Leningradskaya Str., building 2. Tel. +375 17 328-58-92.

Medical Journal

220006, Minsk, Leningradskaya Str. 6, office 2
Tel.: +375 17 363-88-92
Belarusian State Medical University
Dzerzhinski Ave. 83

Scientific and Practical Reference Journal

Registration Certificate # 25 dated 17.02.2009
Published since 2002
Issued once in three months

Subscription indices:
in the Belpochta Catalog (in Belarus) – 00665; in Rospechat
Catalog (in Russia) - 18300