Prevention of medical abortion is the most important component of the set of tasks for protecting women's reproductive health. Of the 210 million pregnancies that occur annually in the world, 56 million end in medical abortion. Teenage girls account for up to 10 %, with the majority of abortions being performed by curettage of the uterine cavity. In our country, the problem of abortion is especially relevant, because according to statistics in the Republic of Belarus, there are about 26,6 abortions for every 100 pregnancies, in the world ranking Belarus ranks 5th in the number of abortions.Artificial termination of an unwanted pregnancy often leads to serious, sometimes irreversible consequences for adolescent girls, such as infertility, miscarriage, menstrual irregularities,and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. It has been proven that childrenfrom mothers with a history of artificial termination of pregnancy are more often born in a state of asphyxia, with impaired cerebral circulation and other pathologies, which leads to an increase in child morbidity and mortality.Especially high is the frequency of complications (55,8 %) after the termination of the first pregnancy in young women. In addition, complications of medical abortion in the structure of maternal morbidity and mortality reach 15–30 %. The economic damage from abortions and related gynecological pathologies annually amounts to 24 trillion rubles. white rubles.
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