Leptospirosis is recognized as the most common re-emerging zoonotic bacterial infection in the world and poses a serious threat to human health. Also relevant is the problem of animal disease with leptospirosis, which causes significant economic damage to countries. In the Republic of Belarus, human diseases with leptospirosis have been registered since 1944, when there were 2 large outbreaks of the disease in the Minsk and Mogilev regions. Currently, the epidemic situation for leptospirosis is characterized as unstable, which is due to the presence in all regions of the Republic of Belarus of natural and economic foci, as well as the formation of new persistent foci of infection both in rural areas and in cities. During the study period 1990–2019, from 4 to 55 cases of the disease were annually registered in the country. The average incidence of leptospirosis during this period was 0.27 per 100 000 population. It was relatively high in the eastern and southeastern regions: in the Mogilev region – 0.85 per 100 000 population, in the Gomel region – 0.49. A low incidence of leptospirosis is typical for the western and northern regions: in the Brest region 0.03 cases per 100 000 population, in the Vitebsk region – 0.05, in the Grodno region – 0.09. In the central region (Minsk region) – 0.11, in Minsk – 0.25. Long-term dynamics of morbidity is characterized by a pronounced reliable upward trend.
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- 6. Costa, F. Global morbidity and mortality of leptospirosis: a systematic review / F. Costa, J. E. Hagan, J. Calcagno, M. Kane, P. Torgerson, M. S. Martinez Silveira [et al.] // PLoS Negl Trop Dis. – 2015. – № 9.
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- 8. Levett, P. N. Leptospirosis // Clin. Microbiol. Rev. – 2001. – Vol. 14. – P. 296–326.
- 9. Lester, J. Pérez, Saraswathi Lanka, Vanessa J. DeShambo, Richard L. Fredrickson, Carol W. Maddox. A Validated Multiplex Real Time PCR Assay for the Diagnosis of Infectious Leptospira spp.:A Novel Assay for the Detection and Differentiation of Strains From Both Pathogenic Groups I and II // Frontiers in Microbiology. – 2020. – Vol. 11, Art. 457. – P. 1–15.
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- Поступила 25.02.2021 г.