In the literature, the term «endometrial hypoplasia» is synonymous with the concept of «thin endometrium». This implies the size of the thickness of the endometrium during ultrasound examination on the 20–22 day of the menstrual cycle of 7 mm or less. The results of treatment of uterine infertility in women with endometrial hypoplasia today can not be considered satisfactory. With endometrial hypoplasia, standard therapy according to the protocols of uterine infertility is not effective in every third of the patients. The basis of drug therapy of the «thin endometrium» is still the use of sex hormone preparations. In addition to standard therapy, antioxidants, acetylsalicylic acid, and physiotherapy are widely used. With the ineffectiveness of traditional treatment, intrauterine administration of a granulocyte colony stimulating factor is indicated. A promising direction that allows increasing the receptivity of the endometrium and the probability of conception seems to be the use of endometrial mesenchymal stem cells obtained from menstrual blood in combination with hormonal treatment of cell regenerative therapy. Most already published infertility treatment algorithms for endometrial hypoplasia lack clear and understandable criteria for individual patient selection. To increase the efficiency of using assisted reproductive technologies, further studies are needed to develop effective pathogenetically based methods for the targeted selection of such patients for traditional hormonal treatment or cell regenerative therapy with endometrial mesenchymal stem cells.
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