Список литературы
Цель работы – анализ эпидемиологической ситуации по туберкулезу в Республике Беларусь с оценкой особенностей выявления и эффективности лечения туберкулеза у студентов Республики Беларусь.
Ключевые слова:
туберкулёз, студенты, диагностика, лечение
The aim – analysis of the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the Republic of Belarus, as well as identifying features and trends of tuberculosis in the students
The aim of the work is to analyze the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the Republic of Belarus with an assessment of the features of detection and effectiveness of treatment of tuberculosis among students of the Republic of Belarus.
tuberculosis, students, diagnosis, treatment
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- 2. Zdravoohranenie v Respublike Belarus': ofits. stat. sb. za 2016 g. – Minsk: GU RNMB, 2016. – 305 s.
- 3. Korol', O. I., Lozov-skaya M. E. Tuberkulez u detei i podrostkov: rukovodstvo [Tuberculosis among children and adolescents]; pod. red. O. I. Korol'. – SPb.: Piter, 2005. – 432 s.
- 4. Tuberkulez – Global'naya problema chelovechestva [Elektronnii resurs]. – // Rezhim dos-tupa: http://ftiziatr.org.ua/ftiziatrorgua/docsis/tuberkulez-globalnaya-problema-chelovechestva.pdf.
- 5. Mordik, A. V. [et al.] Faktori riska razvitiya tuberkuleza u detei (obzor literaturi) [Risk factors of tuberculosis in children] ZHizn’ bez opasnostei. Zdorov’e. Profilaktika. Dolgoletie. – 2014. – T. 9, № 1. – S. 92–95.
- 6. Kolomiets, V. M. Effektivnost’ monitoringa regional’nih programm preduprezhdeniya rasprostraneniya tuberkuleza [Efficacy of regional programs against tuberculosis monitoring] pod red. prof. V. M. Kolomiets. – Kursk: KGMU, 2014. – 233 s.
- 7. Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 people) [Elektronnii resurs] // Health Nutrition and Population Statistics. – Access of mode: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.TBS.INCD.
- 8. Snow, K. The incidence of tuberculosis among adolescents and young adults: a global estimate / K. Snow, C. Sismanids, J. Denholm // European Respiratory Journal. – 2018. – Vol. 51, issue 2: 1702352.