Pregnant women treat group of the increased risk of developing of stomatologic diseases. 333 pregnant women whose average age made 28,4 ± 4,9лет took part in research. A gestation term median – 32,0 [27,0; 38,0] weeks. Survey was conducted by means of specially developed questionnaire including 30 questions. In this article the attention is focused on the block of questions on hygiene of an oral cavity and a local ftorprofilaktika. It is established that the most part of respondents 94,9% (316) are sure about a possibility of conservation stomatologic health during pregnancy. The analysis of the questionnaire showed that 85,3% (284) of respondents 2 times a day brush teeth, however only a half 44,4% (148) do it correctly. Use of additional resources of hygiene (conditioners – 9,3%, tooth threads – 24,3%) very low, without looking on increasing during pregnancy of amount of risk factors. Within the last year 94,6% (315) of pregnant women of the woman addressed the stomatologist: 56,5% (188) I addressed for routine inspection, and only 16,8% (56) did professional hygiene.
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